Many of our competitors operate stand-alone Service Desk centers and simply “make room” for your employees calls by carving out a set number of operators who typically open tickets and then forward them to designees within your company with minimal follow-up afterwards. Beyond simple password resets, your outsourced Service Desk becomes a “No-Help Desk” according to your employees.
Instead of following this model, we create onsite and well-staffed micro-help desks. Each site has an experienced service desk manager who is well versed in creating and managing agreed upon Service Level Agreements and Metrics. We then staff your help desk with individuals who can independently address Tier 1 and Tier 2 issues and work with your internal team on more strategic Tier 3 issues. To provide evening and weekend coverage we can provide either U.S. citizens or individuals from one of our five offshore centers depending on your preference and budget.
One of the key benefits to installing an onsite Sistema Service Desk is the fact that over a very brief period of time, our employees become your employees in terms of fitting in with your culture, being known by name internally and even participating in your events and charities. When our people feel connected to your people, they care even more about giving their best level of service.